Compounding Prayer

A basic principle of long-term investing is compounding. Compounding occurs when your money makes money, and then that money makes you money and the process continues over and over again. If you put $1 in and it gives you a return of $.25, now you’re making money off of a $1.25 investment. The next time around, instead of only getting $.25, now you’ll get $.31 and so on and so forth. The financial power of compounding is great if you’re willing to keep your money in and let it work for you. The same principle applies to prayer.

We are limited as human beings. We do not fully know the will of God, but God desires to reveal it to us if we will pursue it. This happens through prayer and more specifically through praying in the Holy Spirit or in tongues. As Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:2, the man who prays in tongues utters mysteries. These mysteries are not mysteries to God, but to us. They are things that are God’s will, but are beyond our ability to envision or know. As we pray in the Spirit, these prayers are brought before God and then answered because they are 100% in line with God’s will. The Spirit only prays perfect prayers.

The Spirit only prays perfect prayers.

What happens when God responds to a prayer that was a mystery to you? You now end up in places and positions that were beyond your ability to plan for. You have moved into new areas of God’s will for your life that are completely foreign to you. You may feel ill-equipped and overwhelmed because of it. Now you need to pray in the Spirit even more because you need equipping and wisdom for where the Spirit has brought you. God will always lead you to places where you end up needing him even more. Before we started following God, we were on our own path, deciding our own destiny. The moment we gave control of our lives to God, we took one step towards dependence on God. As we continue to pursue the will of God, it leads us to deeper and deeper dependence on God requiring more and more prayer.

The more that we pray in the Spirit, the more we move into God’s will, the more we need to pray in the Spirit! because we’re in God’s will. It’s a compounding activity. Praying in the Spirit breeds a greater need to pray in the Spirit. Once you start, you can’t stop!

Praying in the Spirit breeds a greater need to pray in the Spirit


Axess Church receives large scholarship

