make real disciples

who experience

real change.

  • Worship Team

    Those who are called to the worship ministry are first lovers of God’s presence when the lights and instruments are turned off. They have a deep hunger and drive to encounter God in the secret place and in the corporate setting. With this desire, they also use their instrument as a way to bring others into this realm of God’s presence. If this describes you, then Axess church will always have a place for you in our worship ministry.

    Specific areas to consider:

    Vocalists • Piano • Bass • Lead Guitar • Rhythm Guitar • Acoustic Guitar • Drums • Synth/Pads

  • Children's Ministry

    Children’s ministry goes beyond entertaining kids until their parents can come and get them. As a leader in the children’s ministry, you recognize the unique position you have to pour into these kids lives with simple, timeless lessons about God and their role as a follower of Christ. These foundations that are laid at a young age will form them and their faith for years to follow.

    Specific areas to consider:

    Sunday School Teachers • Nursery Workers • Check-In

  • Hospitality Team

    Does your face light up when you meet new people? Are you constantly inviting people over to your home for coffee or dinner? You likely have the gift of hospitality and are looking to make people feel welcomed, seen, and valued. We would love to have you on our team to show Glen Ellyn they are welcomed and loved at Axess Church!

    Specific areas to consider:

    Greeters • Information Booth • Parking Team • Refreshments • Guest Follow-Up • Usher

  • Prayer Team

    Do you have a passion for standing in the gap for people who don’t know how, or what to pray? If so, you may have the gift of intercession. Use your gift to intercede for people as they seek direction, healing, and salvation in their lives.

    Specific areas to consider:

    Pre-Service Intercession • Altar Ministry Team • Deliverance Ministry • Healing Hands Team

  • Tech Team

    We believe that modern tools such as good sound equipment and presentation tools are an essential piece to communicating the message of Christ. If you have previous knowledge or even a willingness to learn how to operate a Behringer X32 soundboard and dial in a good sound mix, or how to run presentation software like Pro Presenter, we’d love to have you on our team!

    Specific areas to consider:

    Sound Mix • Visual Presenter • Light Controller

  • Creative Department

    The creative department is dedicating to capturing and communicating the amazing things happening at Axess Church. Learn how to manage websites, take amazing photos, design graphics, and much more. If you’re a social media wiz or just want to learn videography and photography, this is for you

    Specific areas to consider:

    Website Management • Social Media Coordinator • Content Creator • Event Photography • Video Production

  • Outreach Team

    We believe in serving and connecting with our community by identifying tangible needs and relational connection points. If you come alive when serving others, then you were built for this team and we’d love to have you representing us to our community.

    Specific areas to consider:

    Outreach Coordinator • Resource Acquisition • College of DuPage Team Lead • Ecumenical Outreach Coordinator

  • Life Groups

    Life Groups are the core of our church. This is where deep conversation and lasting transformation takes root. We are looking for individuals and couples who are willing to host, and facilitate life groups. Additionally, we are looking for a resource coordinator to prayerfully develop and compile life group material in tandem with our pastoral team.

    Specific areas to consider:

    Life Group Host • Life Group Facilitator • Resource and Material Coordinator

  • Set Up/Tear Down

    Until we are in a permanent facility, the work of setting up and tearing down remains a necessary area of ministry. If you’re an early morning riser or you like to satisfaction of putting things into place like a puzzle, this ministry is for you.

    Specific areas to consider:

    Sunday Morning Setup • Sunday Morning Tear Down

Team Captains

Amber Vasquez | Axess Kids

Chuck Black | Function

Susan Schaper | Hospitality

Garrett Black | Pastoral

Caleb Vasquez | Tech

Hannah Black | Worship

Team Values

Celebrate Constantly

Celebration is the antidote to criticism and gossip. It softens our hearts towards each other and helps us to see others the way God sees them. Look for ways to celebrate and encourage one another each week.

Take Responsibility

The church is only as strong as its members. When you take responsibility to live out the mission, vision, and culture of the church, everyone wins. Don’t wait to be asked, be a self-starter. You are Axess Church.

Get Someone Involved

Don’t protect your spot, fill it with someone new. Actively look for people to teach and train. Pass your knowledge on.

Grow and Get Better

When you get better, the whole church gets better. How are you growing and perfecting your craft? Read, glean, experiment.

Get Excited for Change

Change is not something to be resisted, but welcomed. When we change, we grow, even if we fail. We cannot learn without experimenting, so let’s get excited when we try something new.

Stay in Control

We don’t blame others, we take responsibility for our actions, our moods, and our decisions. We create the atmosphere instead of waiting for someone else to do it.