The First Launch Meeting

Sunday, June 12 • Downers Grove, IL

axess church launch team meeting june 12

Axess Church gathered for our first launch team meeting as we eye our upcoming August 12 launch date. We spent time in worship, vision casting, and ended with a great time in prayer. Pastor Garrett shared about his heart for Axess Church to bring people into a life-changing, life-giving, and life-long relationship with Jesus Christ and what it would take to accomplish this mission in Glen Ellyn.

One of the most frequent pieces that people miss in their relationship with God is the life-giving aspect. Jesus told us that his words are spirit and they are life (John 6). He also said that the water he gives us becomes a life-giving fountain within us (John 4). Hearing his voice and tapping into the Spirit of God are the life-giving activities that he wants to join us in. If a believer does not learn how to do this, their relationship with God can become stagnant and unproductive which then hinders further transformation. This can be countered by teaching practical ways of receiving from God on a daily basis.

We ended our night in a time of prayer. Prayer is a core value of ours. As we say, prayer is our plan. We value vision casting and strategizing, but above all, the most productive thing we can ever do it pray. One thing that stood out during our time was how we began dreaming with God. Towards the end our time, it became apparent that we started vocalizing some God sized dreams that we had not spoken about as a team. It was as if God was speaking to us through our won prayers, showing us his vision for Glen Ellyn.


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