Jesus only has disciples.
What is discipleship?
Discipleship is an intentional, developmental process that is built on disciplined actions towards a goal.
True followers of Jesus are called disciples because they are disciplining their lives to look like their master - Jesus. Although discipleship is a life long process, we should spend focused time on discipleship as we begin our walk with God or when we want to rededicate our lives to God.
How does it work?
Discipleship is lead by one main facilitator and meets weekly for 1 hour, for 33 weeks.
The actual time and day is determined by the leader and group member depending on what works best for the group. You will meet each week in a place like Starbucks or a library. There is Bible verse memory testing, prayer, and then working through the designated material for that week from the workbooks.
Who is discipleship for?
This program would be beneficial for:
New believers in Christ who desire to study the Bible, engage in meaningful times of prayer, and want a better understanding of the Bible.
People who have been attending church for years but never participating in an intentional learning process to develop good habits like daily prayer and Bible reading.
Anyone who feels called to disciple others. You learn best by going through it yourself so you can disciple others effectively.
We have chosen the time-tested 2:7 series by The Navigators. This is a popular series that is easy to use but still rich in its content and impact.