make real disciples
who experience
real change.
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Sunday Gathering
Sunday at 10:00a
Axess Church
501 Hill Ave.
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
We gather each week to worship Jesus, dive into scriptures, enjoy each other’s presence, and make space for God to move corporately and individually.
You want to follow Jesus but aren’t sure where to start.
You feel stuck in your faith and long for something more.
You’ve been away from church and wonder if it’s too late to come back.
You’re not even sure what you believe anymore, but you’re willing to explore.
Ready for change? We’re ready for you.

Enjoy the sermon of the week.
You were created for community.
That’s how God designed you and so we take that seriously. Here are some ways to get connected at Axess Church.
Sunday is just the start
Serve at Axess
God gave you gifts and talents and there is a place for you to express them at Axess Church. Explore the many ways to serve eachother at Axess Church.
Discover Axess
Discover Axess Church is an opportunity for anyone to connect with our leadership team to learn about who we are as a church and how you can take your next steps with us as we follow Jesus together.
Go through a 33-week discipleship process to grow in your prayer life, Bible study, and Biblical understanding of core theological topics.
Serving Glen Ellyn
Garrett & Keilah Black
Our leaders Garrett and Keilah Black have a heart to see people set free from whatever holds them back from a life of fullness in God’s Spirit. Garrett holds a Master's degree from Northern Seminary as well as a ministry certificate from Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, CA. Keilah has spent time doing missions at Roland and Heidi Baker’s Harvest School in Mozambique, Africa. She is studying Bible and Theology at Wheaton College.